The old chair

The vintage old chairs sitting in our Verandah looks so beautiful with the lush green leaves and the creepers. The flowers have finally started to bloom and take over the house with their soothing scent. The air is humid, suggesting a light shower. It is a dull evening, and I can already smell the Pakoras... Continue Reading →

He wouldn’t say that he loved me, quite that often. But then, he didn’t have to…

His hair would be perfect until he intentionally roamed his hand over it only to satisfy his conscience. He had a smile which revealed his teeth and made me a little concerned about mine. He loved to laugh but he wasn’t really great with jokes only that he thought he was. He frowned in a... Continue Reading →

Ballads of the rain…

“ I find it ok to loose myself in love To deplete everyday with the urge to hold on to you forever And to sing the joys of my heart. I find it worthy to be so vulnerable And allow myself to be controlled In the name of trust I find my happiness in giving... Continue Reading →

Far, but not far enough…

If you ever have to feel lonely Beneath the light of the moon And your ears crave for the cacophony of your home Just sigh a little louder and I ll hear your voice from the far away clouds I will make sure to bring back your light With a stupid joke a rant or... Continue Reading →

Of being lost and broken…

You have to be destroyed once You have to be broken apart Into infinite pieces You have to loose yourself out in the wild You have to be hunted And you have to be the prey! You have to run to save yourself from the wreckage And fail! You have to be burnt And your... Continue Reading →


In every relationship, be it friendship or love  there is always this one person who is a little over attached. Who loves a little deeper than the other. Who is ready to give up on anything and ready to sacrifice oneself for the benefit of the other or the relationship. There is always this one... Continue Reading →

Suits And Smiles….

They are all in pain The men in suits Sipping the high The women in heels With enticing smiles The laughter the noise The giggle the screech They are nothing But hypocrite marks of internal bleed The desperate ambitions The lost desires The shallow greed In phony attires. For where the heart belongs Is in... Continue Reading →

Of broken and sad hearts..

Isn’t it sad as to how we are looking for solace in everything temporary and not being brave enough to hold something permanent. Isn’t it sad how we are okay with heartbreaks and have accepted it as a part of life. I think it’s sad how we are all struggling with depression and how we... Continue Reading →

Just a Tad Bit Longer…

I sometimes wish I could Just hold you for a little longer Just a tad bit longer Why is that our love had to fade Over time and it’s brutality Why is that our promises didn’t have to last Was our love weak or Our patience not strong Was it our tumbling faith Or the... Continue Reading →

Attachments and the Aftermath

The constant attachments and detachments have left my soul bruised. I am stronger as the world says but frankly I am just a lot more scared. The adventure now haunts me and I look for nothing but self-development. Dependence is an option I don’t consider and the world where everyone stays forever is a virtual... Continue Reading →

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