The pampered verse….

Don’t you wonder sometimes As to why you have to mould yourself Into whatever You are not To gain the love You already deserve. —————————— You Shall bloom Amidst all the dark And gloom You shall sprinkle the little amount of light you own You shall Enlighten The little world You can —————————— You don’t... Continue Reading →

Ballads of the rain…

“ I find it ok to loose myself in love To deplete everyday with the urge to hold on to you forever And to sing the joys of my heart. I find it worthy to be so vulnerable And allow myself to be controlled In the name of trust I find my happiness in giving... Continue Reading →

Far, but not far enough…

If you ever have to feel lonely Beneath the light of the moon And your ears crave for the cacophony of your home Just sigh a little louder and I ll hear your voice from the far away clouds I will make sure to bring back your light With a stupid joke a rant or... Continue Reading →

The One Who Scripts…

He writes charm With his fingers And narrates the sorrows Of his unproclaimed love With words of Joy and honey He smiles Over the happiest dews And sings their profile Along with the chirp of the birds He scripts the pain of the unheard And places it out on the wild For the world to... Continue Reading →

Of being lost and broken…

You have to be destroyed once You have to be broken apart Into infinite pieces You have to loose yourself out in the wild You have to be hunted And you have to be the prey! You have to run to save yourself from the wreckage And fail! You have to be burnt And your... Continue Reading →


In every relationship, be it friendship or love  there is always this one person who is a little over attached. Who loves a little deeper than the other. Who is ready to give up on anything and ready to sacrifice oneself for the benefit of the other or the relationship. There is always this one... Continue Reading →

Midnight Silences

The cacophony of the midnight silences Still holds my breath  And reminds me of how you would fall asleep on my lap  While narrating your forgotten dreams!  I would pamper you till my legs got numb And then when the pain would become intolerable  I would gulp in a little of your bodily odor And... Continue Reading →

Suits And Smiles….

They are all in pain The men in suits Sipping the high The women in heels With enticing smiles The laughter the noise The giggle the screech They are nothing But hypocrite marks of internal bleed The desperate ambitions The lost desires The shallow greed In phony attires. For where the heart belongs Is in... Continue Reading →

The Poet’s Love..

You will be loved Loved deeply, by a poet, You will be narrated In a verse And be flattered by its complexity You will fall for his honest rhyme And drown in the melody of his singing words You would want to curl in the meter Of his thoughts And hunt for his raw desires... Continue Reading →

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