The old chair

The vintage old chairs sitting in our Verandah looks so beautiful with the lush green leaves and the creepers. The flowers have finally started to bloom and take over the house with their soothing scent. The air is humid, suggesting a light shower. It is a dull evening, and I can already smell the Pakoras... Continue Reading →

Just a brown girl

Ammi was the prettiest girl of her time. Apparently, all the boys in college would chase her around everywhere she went. That is why Ammi had to drop her studies and get married at an early age. Grandma tells me, that Papa was the smartest boy in the colony. A lot of girls were more... Continue Reading →

The plastic bag

My eyes fell on a family standing outside a small shop. The daughter was holding a medium sized, stuffed plastic bag with her small hands. Her hair was neatly tied into two thick braids, of which one held a tiny garland. The son was pestering his father for something. Maybe a toy, maybe food. I... Continue Reading →

Be too cliche for once..

Why not Give me a rose And a box of chocolate for once Why not cry beneath my hair Surrounded by the noise of the shore for once Why not laugh over my rant And pull my cheeks to respond for once Why cant you be Too cliche for once -D. Nathansha

20 something now…..

I used to be fascinated. In my childhood I mean. I wanted to wear crisp clothes what any random didi I saw on the road wore. I wanted to have my own handbag, with the secret contents it held, which by the way I never got to see. I wanted to wear lipstick as and... Continue Reading →

The Rude

This comes from an experience. I remember this guy i had a chance to meet in one of my assignments. Well he had confronted to be straightforward but over the time i realized that maybe he was more of an arrogant and narcissistic sort of a person. Well to start with he commented of people’s... Continue Reading →

Relationship and Maintenance

It's normal to think a little more than usual and expect the most unpredictable sort of highs. It's ok to be disappointed sometimes because we are after all human beings who are latched to an emotional equation which is unique in every case. It's normal to feel a little neglected and argue just a bit.... Continue Reading →

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