The Rude

This comes from an experience. I remember this guy i had a chance to meet in one of my assignments. Well he had confronted to be straightforward but over the time i realized that maybe he was more of an arrogant and narcissistic sort of a person. Well to start with he commented of people’s attributes, their personal connections, their social skills and well the list is quite very long. Basically he would never fail to put a completely confident happy face down. To all this he had one reply and that was “I am just being honest”. Then one day while i was lying on my bed thinking about what he had said, i realized “F*** This! Is he perfect?” the obvious answer was a “No”. “Does he matter” well again considering the factors the answer was a negative. And the last question was “ Has he really made enough of his life to be able to comment” and i couldn’t answer that question. Because i didn’t know what enough really was.

You see we are all flavored with our imperfections. The fact that someone consistently reminds us of what is not right in us without any concern, only puts the other person at fault. I mean we can sit and crib over everything we are not and fail to rejoice what we actually are. So next time when he said something “Straight forward” i smiled and looked at him and said “Sure thanks for noticing you jobless freak”


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