
Have you ever just felt the chill cold night burn your inner soul, play with your mind, and get your imagination all haywire? Have you ever felt the pain of being left alone in the darkness? When the lights betray and all you have with yourself is you, all you can think about is the person you are and all that plays in your head is your own life. How much importance have you given yourself off late? Have you been truly attentive to your needs? Did the turmoil throw you away from the peace you had earlier? Do you still seek it or is it just that you have given up on the thought already? Do you trust yourself the way you did before your first failure? Can you fight for yourself? Will you stand up for the person in you when the crowd is against it or will you just bow down in defeat to save yourself from the pain of losing?  You who have been really honest to the world; faithful to your fellow human beings; have you really been the same to yourself? Why? Why you beautiful soul? Don’t you think you deserve the love and attention you give? Why do you have to expect someone else to show it to you! Cant it just be you? Can’t you pamper the life you have, once in a while? Why do you have to doubt your abilities? After all you have come this far? What makes you think you can’t walk further? The hatred, the nonchalance, the negativity around you is all a reflection of everything that is within you. If and only if you were to reflect all the positivity, like the moon reflects the light of the sun, then perhaps the night wouldn’t seem all that dark.

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