Attachments and the Aftermath

The constant attachments and detachments have left my soul bruised. I am stronger as the world says but frankly I am just a lot more scared. The adventure now haunts me and I look for nothing but self-development. Dependence is an option I don’t consider and the world where everyone stays forever is a virtual idea to me. Perhaps its life that has thought me so much or the people in it. What really matters is the fact that I have finally realized my worth and I know what I deserve the best, honestly the pain is not  what anyone deserves. None of us are wrong. We are just a specie gifted with a complex imagination. With the emotional quotient that differs from case to case, and its the differences there that result in whatever negative we have towards our fellow members. We stand in no position to blame anyone, or anything. We have no right on anything but ourselves. We can either be calm and patient with ourselves and try hunting for all the good in us or we can keep complaining about whatever that has made the situation the way it is. It’s our call at the end of the day,

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